En todo tiempo y circunstancia, debemos correr a los brazos del Señor, solo ahi, verdaderamente estaremos seguros
the LORD takes refuge ...
In all times and circumstances, we must run into the arms of the Lord, only there, we will truly be safe!
In all times and circumstances, we must run into the arms of the Lord, only there, we will truly be safe!
Psalm 11:1 New International Version (NIV)
Psalm 11:1
In the Lord I take refuge...
In the Lord I take refuge...
Pastores Serminio y Tania Sanchinel
!Preparate para el Encuentro con Dios! Amos 4:12
Prepare to meet Your God! Amos 4:12
!Preparate para el Encuentro con Dios! Amos 4:12
Prepare to meet Your God! Amos 4:12
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