“Estamos cerca de nuestra redención, por lo tanto despojémonos de todo peso y pecado, limpiémonos y preparémonos para nuestro encuentro con Él.”
¡Maranatha! ¡Cristo viene!
"We are close to our redemption, therefore let us shed all weight and sin, cleanse ourselves and prepare ourselves for our encounter with Him."
Maranatha! Christ comes!
1 Corinthians 15:52
It will take only a second—as quickly as an eye blinks—when the last trumpet sounds. The trumpet will sound, and those who have died will be raised to live forever, and we will all be changed.
Pastores Serminio y Tania Sanchinel
www.EbenezerAposentoAlto.o rg
!Preparate para el Encuentro con Dios! Amos 4:12
Prepare to meet Your God! Amos 4:12
¡Maranatha! ¡Cristo viene!
"We are close to our redemption, therefore let us shed all weight and sin, cleanse ourselves and prepare ourselves for our encounter with Him."
Maranatha! Christ comes!
1 Corinthians 15:52
It will take only a second—as quickly as an eye blinks—when the last trumpet sounds. The trumpet will sound, and those who have died will be raised to live forever, and we will all be changed.
Pastores Serminio y Tania Sanchinel
!Preparate para el Encuentro con Dios! Amos 4:12
Prepare to meet Your God! Amos 4:12
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